About Us

Just who are these Navu folks, anyway?

Our Story

While Navu launched officially in 2023, our story really begins back in 2018. That’s when the team behind Navu created Slickstream – a product designed to help bloggers maximize user engagement on their websites.

Slickstream was a hit, and we quickly found ourselves handling billions of pageviews a year across hundreds of different publishers. In the process, we learned a lot about how visitors interact with websites and how to help them find the content they’re looking for.

But those insights didn’t just apply to advertising-driven websites. In fact, we realized that more traditional businesses stood to gain even more from improved site navigation and user experience by way of increased conversions.

So in 2022 we sold Slickstream to CafeMedia, shifting our focus away from independent publishers and into the corporate website space, officially launching our Conversion Rate Optimization solution for businesses in June of 2023.

Our vision

At Navu, we’re thinking about the short term and the long term. Our objective for every current user is the same: to help them get more from their website and its visitors. We do this by offering a powerful, simple solution designed to tell the right story to the right visitor, every time.

But the current iteration of Navu is just the beginning. Our vision is an improved, modern browsing experience on every website. We think marketers can do better than the status quo of complicated menus, antiquated search, and maybe a catch-all chatbot, and we want to be a part of the solution.

So what does that look like? Time will tell. For now we’re hard at work every day developing new ways for marketers to tell their story on their website, and to reach the right audience.

Kingston Duffie

Founder & CEO

Kingston Duffie is the Founder and CEO of Navu, and also serves as its CTO. This is Kingston’s fourth Silicon Valley tech company, having successfully led Whitetree, Turnstone and Fanfare for many years previously.

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