
The latest news and updates from your friends at Navu

Three Things We Learned from Forrester’s B2B Summit 2023


Navu was proud to sponsor the Forrester B2B Summit North America this year, and we had a great time doing it! Between the speakers, conversations with fellow … Read more

What is Conversion Rate Optimization and Why Does it Matter?


If you work in digital marketing, chances are you’ve heard of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) software. You may even use some of it in your … Read more

The Four Main Categories of Conversion Rate Optimization Software


Interested in conversion rate optimization software? That’s great! You’re already on the right track, and have identified a critical component to your marketing stack that … Read more

Welcome to Navu


Welcome to Navu. We’re so glad you’re here! Navu is a new way for B2B marketing teams to increase conversions and lower cost per acquisition. … Read more

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