Depending on settings, Navu will send a weekly report detailing how your website is performing. This report lists visitors, conversion rates and leads from several points of view.
Sitewide: How your site as a whole is performing in terms of attracting visitors and converting them into leads.
By Channel: How the channels that drive visitors to your site are performing in terms of acquiring visitors and how those visitors convert into leads.
By Named Campaigns: How the major campaigns (typically advertising and email outreach) that drive visitors to your site are performing in terms of acquiring visitors and how those visitors convert into leads.
By Organic and Direct traffic: How the content (SEO) and awareness campaigns that drive visitors to your site are performing in terms of acquiring visitors and how those visitors convert into leads.
By Audience: Visitors, conversion rates and leads in each of your website’s key audiences.
By Top Content: The top content on your site in terms of the visitors that interact with it and how they go on to convert into leads.
For all of the sections above, the Performance Report presents only three metrics: visitors, conversion rate and leads. Each of these is presented with a 12 week trend line. In addition, these are combined into a simple block representation of this information where the area of each block is proportional to the number of leads.

Navu Visitor Funnel
The report uses the visitor categories used across the Navu platform defined below.