The Navu Portal is a great place to review the conversations had by visitors on your website. Analyzing these conversations can often make it clear where there may be gaps in the content on which your guide is trained. The best practice to improve the Guide AI’s answers is to updated existing content or publish new content that addresses the answers’ short coming.
Pro tip: if you want to quickly train the Guide AI on new content but aren’t yet ready to publish that content to the public, publish a page with the new content, tag it “noindex” and add its URL to the additional URL’s per the instructions above. This can be a simple and effective way of adding content that you’d like the Guide AI to use but that you’re not ready to publish. Note, the Guide AI will never suggest a link or add a citation to a page marked “noindex”.
Here’s a practical look at how we do this internally at Navu when we see a question where we’d like to improve the quality of the answer.
1. Research: In reviewing the conversations in our own portal we found this exchange:

Not a terrible answer but we’d like this to be incrementally better. A quick search of our site revealed we had very limited content talking about the fact that we design all our web components to meet accessibility standards.
2. Resolution: Per the suggestion above, we have a noindex document on our site right here that we use for exactly the purpose of quickly updating the AI with new knowledge. So, the quick addition of an accessibility Q&A should take care of things.

3. Verification: It typically takes less than an hour for Navu’s indexer to pick up a change like this. So, an hour later we verified the guide AI had been updated by re-asking the question above.

Much better.