Release Notes: Powerful Segmentation, Easier Analytics

The new Navu update (release 1.22) is a huge upgrade in functionality, analytics, and user experience. It features significant changes to the way users define audiences and evaluate site data, as well as a much improved look-and-feel in the Navu portal.

Read on for all the updates in 1.22:

Segmentation and Content Clusters

We are introducing the notion of Segmentation as a fundamental addition to Navu. A segment is a subset of website visitors based on a filter. A filter can be simple or complex and is based on any of the information we know about that visitor — channel, campaign, landing page, content consumed, location, engagement level, etc.

We are also introducing the notion of Content Clusters. This is a way for customers to designate different parts of the website so that we can analyze visitor journeys and identify interests based on their engagement with this content. One of the visitor filtering options is based on cluster.

Targeting of guides used to be powerful but complex. Now it is always simple. For any guide, you simply choose the segment or segments whose visitors are to be targeted for that guide.

All About Segmentation

New Analytics

The way we collect and present data has changed dramatically in this new release. We now focus on a core set of 8 key performance indicators (KPIs) that tell you about visitors, their engagement, and their conversion.

These same KPIs are available for any of a number of different objects in the system — the site itself, each of the segments you define, each of your guides, and more. This data is also available over any date range you choose and can be downloaded as a CSV file for further analysis.

Everything Analytics

User Experience

The Navu app has undergone a major change with the goal of making everything simpler and more consistent. At the top level of the app you will now see only four tabs: Site, Tracking, Segments, and Guides. These correspond to the main uses of the product — to view visitor journeys, to review the performance of any segment of visitors you want, and to edit and monitor your guides. Other information (like settings, acquisition, domains, membership, etc.) has been moved into supplementary tabs that you can find in the new Site menu.

You will see that the new analytics show up in several places in the app using a consistent presentation regardless of which group of visitors you are looking at — site-wide, or those in a particular segment, or those that have been targeted with a certain guide. One set of numbers to understand, and many places to see them.

Trying Navu is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Step 1: Tell us your email and domain

Step 2: We send you a link to demo your custom Sidebar

Step 3: Publish your Sidebar and see the results free for 14 days!

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