Navu Benchmarks

How does your website stack up against your competitors?

Get competitive insights and see if your website is doing enough for your leads

You work hard for your leads, and rely on your website to convert them. But do you really know if it’s doing a good job?

As a cutting-edge conversion rate optimization tool, Navu knows a lot about how companies turn B2B leads into customers. And as we process millions of pageviews, visitors, clicks and bounces (and everything in between), we have a ton of data to support that knowledge.

With Navu Benchmarks, we’ve anonymized and aggregated that data to show businesses how their conversion rates and other key metrics compare to similar websites. Those metrics include…

  • MQL and SQL conversion rates
  • Traffic and conversion breakdowns by channel
  • Average time to conversion
  • Total content consumption
  • Much, much more!

It’s completely free, completely anonymous, and there’s no commitment.

Navu Benchmarks is a free tool for companies to compare their conversion rate data to similar websites. Accessing the data simply requires an email address and a domain to enter the Navu app.

Sign up, tell us a bit about your website, and select a cohort. In your Navu portal, you and your colleagues will find the latest benchmark metrics for websites like yours. This data comes from many other companies like yours. If you meet the eligibility requirements for your cohort, when you add our embed code, we will integrate your site data into the benchmarks.

We do not disclose which companies are participating or even how many companies are in any cohort. You are free to disclose your participation if you choose, but we will not do so.

We collect and organize multiple sets of data. Each data set is for a group of similar companies — a “cohort” — based on traffic levels, type of company, etc. This allows for more “apple-to-apple” comparisons between your metrics and others.

We measure contact and lead conversion rates using a standardized methodology and criteria that we apply consistently across different sites. We do not guarantee that our metrics for your site will be identical to yours, but this provides a level playing field for comparing to others.

No. If you choose to measure your website’s performance using Navu, that data will then be incorporated into the Benchmarks product (again, fully anonymously).

Yes. We offer this free service because it allows us to identify companies that will benefit from our other paid services that help to improve many of those same metrics. These additional services are completely optional.

No. We work hard to ensure that you comply with all of your privacy obligations to visitors from all jurisdictions. We do not collect personally identifying information — unless and until you explicitly ask us to do that for you, at which point we will integrate with your consent management platform (CMP) to ensure full privacy compliance.

Yes. We store all of the data securely and do not share it other than in aggregated form with others in your cohort. See our privacy policy here.

The data we collect about your site is yours. You can do with it anything you wish. The benchmark data is ours and you are not permitted to share it or how your data compares with it with anyone else.

You are free to unregister and remove the embed code at any time.

We offer a subscription service that expands upon the data that we collect and segments your website visitors into the audiences you choose, and then we help you add navigational tools to the website that guide visitors to your best audience-specific content. Read more about these services here.