Navu for Digital Marketers

Improve your conversion rate by delivering tailored experiences to different audiences on your site

You’re asking a lot of your website

Think about the leads that come through your website. They arrive from different sources, want different solutions, and need different information to help them decide. A one-size-fits-all approach just won’t cut it.

At Navu, we designed a platform for real-life B2B marketers. You define the segments of visitors that matter, we show them the right content through their entire journey.

Navu for
Digital Marketers

Personalization Made Simple

Personalization can be a scary word, evoking complex databases and endless if/then statements. But it doesn’t have to be so daunting. With Navu, it’s easy to tell different stories to the different audiences on your site, in a user-friendly way that you can understand and control.

Fixing Form Abandonment

Is there anything more frustrating than form abandonment? All that hard work to nurture the lead to the finish line, only for them to turn away at the last second. But you don’t have to start from square one. Guide those near-miss prospects back with contextual prompts and reminders.

Understand Your Audience

What are your visitors really up to on site? Where are they coming from, where are they going, and what are they doing along the way? Navu’s Journey Explorer lets you get into the nitty gritty and truly understand on-site behavior.

Details, Details, Details

Dive into the data the way that you’ve structured it. Navu’s robust Analytics Portal highlights key metrics for any audience you want. And our innovative approach to segmentation makes it a snap to see which parts of the site are working, and which need work.

Ready to get started?

Try Navu free for 7 days and discover how we can help grow your business.